Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hey I'd love to know who's visiting me here!!

Hi all! I would love to know who is visiting me here at my happy little home on the web (and if it's you Mom you better leave me some loooove!!)! Anyway, I have a shoutbox in the right hand sidebar down toward the bottom....leave me a little note with your name (then I can stalk your blog, lol)! I'm new to this blog thing and the visitor counter (which I think looks stupid by the way, gotta change that), is growing! How exciting, but I would love a little note or two in that stupid little box! Who knew a blog would be so much fun (as well as a wonderful learning experience, lol)
Thanks!!! Liz

My first layout as a Lyle Lunatic!!

Well I worked on this layout for longer than I should have, but I like it. It's a scraplift of a layout by the talented Pattie Knox, whose gallery I could scraplift from day after day...she has a great style! So I used some awesome stuff from my new stash of Christie Lyle products, all available at Sweet Shoppe Designs (if I wasn't so tired I would figure out how to make that into a clickable link...oh well maybe I'll tackle that tomorrow, lol). Anyway, I have been having fun playing with all this stuff! And are you all as excited as I am about the Scrapartist sale and free kit this week? I know I am...there are a couple of kits I want to get (like I really need anymore...but who can resist a good sale)!

Well I'm really tired and have a very early doctor's appointment (because of my terrible high blood pressure), so I'll catch up more tomorrow. So until then...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


All I've done all day is play with my blog!! This is a terrible new addiction! I have to not spend so much time doing this and more time actually scrapping! But I got a cute new Shoutbox, and have rearranged things, oh and I downloaded, unzipped and organized lots of stuff today, so there was that. Keeping the kits & elements organized is really essential, I've learned how much that helps after I actually went through and organized everything. Sure is amazing what I've accumulated, but I love it all! So...I gotta get busy on some layouts with Christy's stuff, got some great stuff to work with (Expecting Sweet Stuff, how yummy)!! So, until next time....

Monday, July 24, 2006

It's Monday...

And my lips are zipped...about something...more to be said later. What's going on here...let me see...nothing. I'm gonna work on a freebie today, I think a chalked alpha like the one in my layout of drew...I really liked how that alpha came out. And of course I always have the goal of getting a page or two done...sometimes that happens and sometimes not. I added a chatterbox to my blog, it's down under the links...leave me some love! This whole blog thing has been a lot of fun, and of course I want all the bells and whistles. But it's gonna bug me over the next few weeks cause my computer is missing its "e" key (thanks to a certain very small redhead and a pen), and it has to be sent in to be fixed, which is fine because the CD rom doesn't work and it overheats sometimes and I want them to check's very frustrating when it shuts down in the middle of a layout. So I will be using John's laptop (with my EHD) for the time it's gone, and my blog comes up funny on his screen. The posts appear, and at the bottom of all the posts the sidebar starts. That's not how I want it to look, I hope other people don't see it like that. I hope if anybody does they will let me know and I can see if I can fix it. I think it's some conflict with my slide show, but it shows correctly on my laptop. Oh well, I'm new at this. But I'm pretty proud of it so far. I wasn't gonna even bother with a blog unleess I could figure out how to make it cute like the others. Some of the blogs I've seen are so cute, I love the personalization you can do. So, enough rambling about that for now. I guess I should get something done, maybe take the kids in the pool, get a little sun, or maybe just sit here at my computer! So, until next time...

I made it!!!! I'm on Christy's CT!!

I'm so stoked, I'm one of the new members of Christy Lyle's (from Sweet Shoppe Designs) creative team! This is so great, her stuff is amazing! So...I've been like a little kid with a new toy all day! I'm looking forward to getting to know Christy (who seems really really nice so far) and all the other ct members. I think this is gonna be a lot of fun! Just what I needed - a reason to spend more time at the computer, lol! Oh well, until next time...

Some new pages...

So I did some pages today with some quick pages that Christy Lyle sent me, they just screamed to me "pool pics!" They were a gift for applying to her ct, which I would love to get!

Pool Photo Layouts

Saturday, July 22, 2006

More work on a freebie!

Okay, I've got a counter up, a blinkie, a couple more links, and I've joined another web ring. This has been so much fun! Now I want to start working on some freebies, and figure out how to post them so people can download them. Oh well, one thing at a time, I have gotten a lot accomplished today! So, until next time...

Friday, July 21, 2006

New Heading on my Blog!

Wow, I've learned a lot today! I've learned how to make a header for my blog. I learned how to put in links for my favorite stores & blogs. I joined the digi-scrap ring, and put up my slide show! This is actually kind of fun, and I'm actually kind of happy with it.

I've had a great time shopping for digital scrap stuff lately. I bought Kim Christensen's Rad kit, I absolutely love love it! And of course a day without a new Jen Wilson kit is like a day without sunshine, lol. I love all the element packs I got last week from her shop, they were a dollar each, and I got all 12 of them. What fun! So...I guess I'd better get busy with some layouts!

Well I guess that's all for me for tonight. Nobody is reading this blog but me anyway, but I'm just so happy that I accomplished so much here today! Until next time...

A Slide Show!

Well I figured out how to put up my slide show! I'm so excited, I really want to figure this all out. I like my yahoo blog too, it's quite colorful and fun...but this one is more practical I guess. So, until next time...

My First Post

Okay I really want to do this whole blog thing, and this is my third one that I've started. I am looking for one that will give me all the different features that I want, and I really really want to have a slide show of my layouts. So.....we'll try this one! Wish me luck!